- Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Service Training
- How do I register for classes?
- Registering for classes with Sierra Training Services is easy, just find the class(s) that you want to take click on
- "add to cart" and follow the instructions for paypal. Once you are completed with paypal you are registered for the
- class(s). You can also contact our office to complete registration or for questions about registration email at
- info@sierratraining.net.
- What Forms of Payment do you accept?
- Sierra Training Services will accept Money Order, Check, Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal.
- If you need to make other payment arrangements just contact Sierra Training Services.
- How does my department get free training?
- By your department being a "hosting" agency, your department will receive free tuition to attend the course(s).
- What courses does Sierra Training Services offer?
- Sierra Training Services courses are developed and certified by the Office of the State Fire Marshal, National
- Wildfire Coordination Group, and the Office of Emergency Services. Please see our courses menu for a complete
- list.
- How far will Sierra Training Services travel to put on a course?
- Sierra Training Services offers courses through out Northern California and surrounding areas. Contact Sierra
- Training Services for further details.
- If I am a student in one of your courses what do I need to bring?
- If you are registered for one of our courses all materials will be provided for you.
- How do I cancel my registration?
- If you are registered to take one of our courses and you are unable to attend you must notify us in writing 72
- hours prior to the schedule start time of the course. If notifications are made in the required time frame all
- payments will be refunded. If you are unable to make a written notification then you must call as soon as possible.
- If you are a no show and do not make any notifications prior to start of class then Sierra Training Services reserves
- the right to keep all payments made for the class.
- Does Sierra Training Services cancel courses?
- Unfortunately, Sierra Training Services may be required to cancel courses due to low enrollment. If Sierra Training
- Services cancels a course you are enrolled in, we will notify you as soon as possible using the information that you
- supplied during registration. Sierra Training Services is not responsible for any incorrect information supplied
- during registration, therefore it is important that all information you supply is correct.
- Does Sierra Training Services offer online courses?
- All of our CPR courses are available online for you to take at your pace. Simply sign up to take the course online a
- code and website information will be mailed to you within 2 business days. Simply use the information supplied
- complete the course at you pace, when complete with the online portion sign up for one of the upcoming skills
- session to receive your card and certification.
- Will Sierra Training Services be offering any EMS or Fire related course online for CE credit?
- Yes, we are currently working with a vendor to design and bring you the latest of online EMS and Fire related
- courses. Most courses will be 1 to 2 hours and you will receive CE credit for the completed course.
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